Draft agenda for 11-Jan-2011 call

Hi All,

Below is the draft agenda for the Web Events WG's January 11 call and 
logistics for the call.

Discussion on the mail list in advance of the meeting is encouraged 
since it may shorten (or cancel) the call.

A link to the previous meeting's minutes is provided in:


-Art Barstow

= Agenda:

1. Tweak the agenda

2 Use Cases and requirements

3 Landscape wiki

4. Specs

5. AOB

= Logistics:

* Time: UTC: 16:00; Helsinki: 18:00; Paris: 17:00; Boston: 11:00; San 
Francisco: 08:00; Seoul 01:00 (Wednesday)

* Phone Numbers: W3C's Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, + 
or +44.203.318.0479

* IRC: irc://irc.w3.org:6665/ ; channel #webevents

Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 15:28:13 UTC