Passing the co-chair baton to Patrick

Dear WebDX Community Group,

First, let me extend my best wishes to the group for 2024 - I've been 
amazed by the impact the work of the group managed to achieve in 2023, 
and look forward to seeing more of it in the year to come.

I can all the more easily make these remarks that, despite still being 
nominally a co-chair, as you all will have seen, I haven't been able to 
dedicate many cycles to the groups in the past few months; while I had 
hoped to find ways to readjust my commitments towards more involvement 
in WebDX, I think it's time for me to recognize that it is unlikely to 
happen in the short term, and that it would be unfair to the group in 
general, and to my co-chair François in particular to keep the status quo.

I'm pleased to share the news that Patrick Brosset has agreed to step up 
as a co-chair to the group, ensuring the proper continuity of French 
accent at the helm of the group - and more seriously, bringing the 
wealth of experience and connections Patrick has already amply 
demonstrated in his involvement in the group so far. Please join me in 
welcoming Patrick in this new role!

I fully intend to keep close track of the work of the group, and 
opportunity permitting, to get more directly involved now and then. In 
the mean time, keep up the good work :)



Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2024 09:28:35 UTC