Robin's alt attribute report

Hi All (and welcome new participants!),  
Most of you have seen this already, but in case you haven't, Robin Berjon did a nice report on the alt attribute by looking at the data Steve Faulkner downloaded a few months ago:   

It's this kind of stuff we should be thinking about enabling :)

Robin, can you share some thoughts about what you were trying to achieve ? It's kinda unique in the that you needed to look at the use of an attribute in the context of surrounding text. Also, I noticed that there is no actual analysis of the data in the report … I wonder if that can actually be automated in some way. At least, to get a statistical view of for when alt is used, what is the mode, mean, median, and standard deviation for each site, etc.

Marcos Caceres

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2012 13:50:19 UTC