- From: Harry Halpin <hhalpin@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 15:52:28 -0500
- To: "public-webcrypto@w3.org" <public-webcrypto@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <56DDEA0C.5090103@w3.org>
It appears it wasn't logged properly, so putting it in email. We see if we can fix later. -harry chair: Virginie scribe: Rob_Trace [15:11] <Rob_Trace> Testing Status: hhalpin [15:12] <Rob_Trace> Various expressions of interest on implementing tests. conflict of time for the meeting. [15:13] <Rob_Trace> Attempting to schedule a training for implementing tests. [15:13] * hhalpin typing '...' [15:14] <Rob_Trace> Ryan Hurst moving to Google, no longer able to contribute testings [15:14] <Rob_Trace> Jim: has submitted a pull request for tests. Interested in contrubuting. [15:15] <Rob_Trace> March 14th 8:00am PST training. [15:15] <Rob_Trace> Do not forget daylight savings time on March 13th [15:17] <Rob_Trace> After training, we can then create a plan for dividing up the work. [15:17] <Rob_Trace> Action: send an invitation to training. [15:17] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION. [15:17] <trackbot> Error finding 'send'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/users> <http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/users%3E>. [15:18] <hhalpin> ACTION: hhalpin to send out invite for testing, try 8:00 AM March [15:18] * trackbot is creating a new ACTION. [15:18] <trackbot> Created ACTION-156 - Send out invite for testing, try 8:00 am march [on Harry Halpin - due 2016-03-14]. [15:18] * hhalpin quick note Rob_Trace, try typing "hhalpin: Various" [15:18] * hhalpin then "... : Ryan Hurst is [15:19] <Rob_Trace> Ask: share implementation roadmaps [15:19] * hhalpin "virginie: March 14th 8:00 AM" [15:20] <Rob_Trace> Firefox: implemented all algorithsms that they plan to support [15:21] <Rob_Trace> Missing pieces, PCKS8 support for ecdsa [15:21] <hhalpin> q+ [15:21] * Zakim sees hhalpin, wseltzer on the speaker queue [15:21] <jimsch> q+ [15:21] * Zakim sees hhalpin, wseltzer, jimsch on the speaker queue [15:21] <hhalpin> CONCAT? Which algorithms do you not plan to implement? [15:22] <jimsch> CONCAT has been removed from the current spec [15:22] <ttaubert> CONCAT, AES-CMAC, RSA PKCS#1 v1.5, AES-CFB [15:23] <hhalpin> and PKCS8 support for ECDH [15:23] <ttaubert> (EC)DH [15:24] <Rob_Trace> On workers, Planning on implementing, there are still some places where spec is not clear. [15:25] <Rob_Trace> Bi-weekly is OK for Mozilla. [15:25] <virginie> q? [15:25] * Zakim sees hhalpin, wseltzer, jimsch on the speaker queue [15:26] <hhalpin> q- hhalpin [15:26] * Zakim sees wseltzer, jimsch on the speaker queue [15:26] <hhalpin> q- wseltzer [15:26] * Zakim sees jimsch on the speaker queue [15:26] <hhalpin> +1 Jim's suggestion to use IETF HKDF [15:26] <jimsch> Which IETF or the NIST version of HKDF. [15:27] <hhalpin> We need to fix the reference in the spec to match the IETF spec [15:27] <jimsch> q- [15:27] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [15:27] <jimsch> I can create a pull request for this [15:27] <hhalpin> I think Jim already opened this bug [15:27] <Rob_Trace> HKDF implemented to IETF specification [15:27] <hhalpin> but a pull request on spec is good [15:28] <jimsch> THis is bug 27425 [15:29] <ttaubert> can I contribute to the spec by creating PRs and markw merging them? [15:31] <Rob_Trace> Microsoft: question on current specification standardization and algorithm support. [15:31] <virginie> harry : suggest that we remove the algorithms from the spec to park them in a Note, in case it is implemented later [15:31] <Rob_Trace> The process for WebCrypto would be to move algorithms that do not have 2 implementations will be moved to optional. [15:33] <Rob_Trace> Looking to get a snapshot of document that does not change. then enter a edited candidate phase for changing spec. [15:36] <Rob_Trace> requirement is to mark what is inter-operable and what is not. Do not want to lose text, just make a declaration about what needs to work. [15:37] <Rob_Trace> Microsoft; we do not have a roadmap out past 12 months. it is open what will be implemetned in the long term. [15:39] <Rob_Trace> Come back in 2 weeks to discuss what is not implemented and may be moved to optional. [15:39] <virginie> q? [15:39] * Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue [15:40] <Rob_Trace> There is pressure to deliver something. Asked for 6 month extension, but need to deliver final spec to ecosystem [15:41] <Rob_Trace> Need a tool to replace bugzilla for tracking interoperability / spec bugs. [15:42] <virginie> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcrypto/2016Mar/0005.html [15:43] <hhalpin> +1 jim again [15:43] <hhalpin> Have MarkW look through, then migrate remaining open bugs to github pull requests [15:44] <jimsch> s/pull requests/issues/ [15:44] <Rob_Trace> Does Mark have time to work on the management of bugs issues? Answer: yes [15:45] <virginie> agenda? [15:45] * Zakim sees 5 items remaining on the agenda: [15:45] * Zakim 1. introduction [from virginie] [15:45] * Zakim 2. testing status [from virginie] [15:45] * Zakim 3. implementation status [from virginie] [15:45] * Zakim 4. bug review and management [from virginie] [15:45] * Zakim 5. rec process [from virginie] [15:45] <Rob_Trace> Questions on Rec process have been answered in previous discussion. [15:46] <jimsch> MarkW? When do you think you will have a chance to look at the current set of spec pull requests? [15:46] <Rob_Trace> Next call is in 2 weeks. Will look for update on implementation and recommendations for dropping features. [15:47] == Yates [~Yates@team.cloak] has quit ["Page closed"] [15:47] <hhalpin> trackbot, end meeting [15:47] * trackbot is ending a teleconference. [15:47] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees [15:47] <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been wseltzer, virginie, hhalpin, jyates, Charles_Engelke, jimsch, timeless, kodonog, markw, jmann, ttaubert [15:47] <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes [15:47] <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye [15:47] * hhalpin RRSAgent seems not working, will just cut and paste into email form. [15:47] == markw [~markw@team.cloak] has quit ["Page closed"] [15:48] <hhalpin> trackbot, start meeting [15:48] * trackbot is preparing a teleconference.
Received on Monday, 7 March 2016 20:52:33 UTC