- From: Ryan Sleevi <sleevi@google.com>
- Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:14:06 -0800
- To: Harry Halpin <hhalpin@w3.org>
- Cc: public-webcrypto@w3.org, GALINDO Virginie <Virginie.Galindo@gemalto.com>
- Message-ID: <CACvaWvaovs6NZ4D6LUgHmJVG-xr+M3HzDiYn_r_urSvgAq1OZw@mail.gmail.com>
On Jan 18, 2016 5:24 PM, "Harry Halpin" <hhalpin@w3.org> wrote: > > It's not my goals, it's the W3C charter that we all explicitly agreed to. > > The obvious way forward is to open, for each interop problem you mention and any others that are discovered, a bug. These aren't spec bugs, Harry. They are implementation bugs. If you feel otherwise, feel free to open issues. But absent that, it is neither reasonable nor rational to argue that I should trawl through other UAs bug lists (nor can I), looking for their bugs of non-complaince and suggesting them as spec bugs. I do hope you take a critical look at what you're asking, because I am at a loss, having exhausted every means I have to explain to you how unreasonable and inconsistent your suggestions are. > If they can't be tackled, then they features have to be removed. Hopefully that will motivate UA vendors to fix issues. And you still hold on to hope despite repeated attempts to engage other UAs on core features. This is so disconnected from reality that I can no longer reply effectively. > So, you seem to be stating that you want the Working Group to close with no further progress being made. I hope that is not the case. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying, because that is exactly the feedback we are seeing from other UAs. Arguing process and hoping for something different than the past few months is naive, at best. > I also doubt you are arguing that a spec that is effectively unmaintained and that doesn't reflect existing implementations is the best for developers. Harry, again you've tried to pose this as an issue of the spec being unmaintained. I hope you realize how frustrating that is, given that the implementations and WG are unmaintained. You continue to push arbitrary, technically unsound positions simply for process, rather than accept that what matters more is figuring out if the spec even matters to UAs, and if it does, to have a clearer direction from those UAs. If you mean it is unmaintained because I am unwilling to implement your preferred solution without feedback and commitments from other UAs, then yes, it's happily unmaintained and will continue to do so, as to "maintain" the spec is to do a further disservice to users and developers alike. > lets UA vendors keep working on resolving bugs, Again, UA vendors aren't working on resolving bugs. Unless and until you solve this issue, everything else is lipservice. > What do you think? I think your proposed fork illustrates exactly how bad the idea is for holding "process" on a higher pedestal than progress. But what does it matter, if no other UAs contribute?
Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 02:14:35 UTC