Re: Browser Profile Proposal: Testing implementations for algorithm coverage

On 09/21/2015 12:14 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:
> 20 сент. 2015 г., в 17:36, Harry Halpin <> написал(а):
>> On 09/20/2015 03:37 PM, Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:
>>> Hello Harry,
>>>> 14 сент. 2015 г., в 12:43, Harry Halpin <> написал(а):
>>>> Apple has been left out
>>>> until they remove the webkitSubtle prefix and replace it per spec with 
>>>> 'subtle', which has been communicated to them.
>>> Could you please clarify why this precludes testing?
>> We can't have browser developers "checking" to see if they are using
>> Apple's special prefix. We're happy to test, but we'd prefer you guys to
>> hurry up and promise to remove the webkitSubtile prefix. Can you do that?
> WebKit's implementation is known to be based on an older version of the spec which is not compatible with the current one, and I think that it's a good idea to have that detectable from JavaScript. Notably, a developer has a way of knowing that HmacKeyParams.length uses different units - situations like this is exactly what vendor prefixes are for.
> WebKit's implementation is real, it ships in real products (and was among the first WebCrypto implementations), so it feels strange to have it excluded based on a technicality. This e-mail thread in particular discusses something that is in no way related to having a prefix - the list of supported algorithms wouldn't change upon removing it.

Is there any possibility we can simply upgrade WebKit's implementation
to be compatible with the newer version of the spec?

I understand this may not be the highest priority for you, but it means
a lot to us at W3C to have a consistent spec without vendor prefixes
before we exit Rec. The entire point of the CR testing, which determines
the 'browser profile' in terms of algorithms, is to ensure developers
can use the API across browsers without any browser-specific dependencies.

We know lots of hard work has already been put in, so this final push
would be great.


> - Alexey

Received on Monday, 21 September 2015 19:17:45 UTC