WebCrypto Meeting Sept. 14th 20:00 UTC/4:00 EDT Transitioning out of CR (Switch to WebEx instructions)

Apologies - I based the reservation on top of an old WebCrypto meeting
time in the old Zakim calendar rather than looking at Virginie's email,
which I believe was indexed to Boston time without the right EDT/EST
adjustments for this time period.

I would propose we meet regularly (bi-weekly?) at this time (20:00
UTC/4:00 EDT) until we get out of charter and to PR/Rec., and meet
ad-hoc as needed after at this time only as needed (which should be
rarely, when new algorithms or added or support of existing ones are

The new charter extends our lifetime till March 2016. My personal
feeling is that we can probably make it to PR/Rec by end of this year if
we have consensus on pushing forward.


On 09/14/2015 10:18 AM, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
> On 09/14/2015 09:49 AM, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Correction: the call is at our usual time, 20:00 UTC/ 3pm Eastern, with
> and that's 4 pm Eastern. Thanks Joanne!
>> the Webex coordinates as listed, and irc.w3.org #crypto.
>> Talk with you then,
>> --Wendy
>> On 09/11/2015 06:04 PM, Harry Halpin wrote:
>>> Everyone,
>>> W3C has de-commissioned Zakim, so we've switched to WebEx. The meeting
>>> time is the same (19:00 UTC/2:00 ET), but the phone number has changed
>>> to +1-617-324-0000. In good news, you can use WebEx to dial-in over VoIP
>>> (but not a free sofware version). See instructions below:
>>> Topic: W3C Web Crypto Working Group
>>> Date: Monday, September 14, 2015
>>> Time: 2:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
>>> Meeting Number: 642 335 298
>>> Meeting Password: crypto
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> 1. Go to
>>> https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mc44f44441ccf7365652d87d7e2bb2aed
>>> 2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
>>> 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: crypto
>>> 4. Click "Join".
>>> To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:
>>> https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m425813d0df3a4cd63e7fc768dfb74259
>>> Agenda:
>>> - Transitioning out of CR to PR/Rec: Requirements
>>> - Browser Interop and "Browser Profile"
>>> - Open Issues
>>> I'll send more detail over the weekend in a wiki-page.
>>>          cheers,
>>>              harry

Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 14:40:46 UTC