[Bug 25972] Please require a secure origin


--- Comment #11 from Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky@mit.edu> ---
1) I think the secure origin definitions we have right now are way too
restrictive no matter how you slice it.

2) I strongly suspect, though I have not performed exhaustive analysis to prove
this, that there are parts of the SubtleCrypto for which the secure transport
requirement is too restrictive.  I further believe that it's very hard to
define "secure transport".  Is data: a secure transport?  javascript:?  It sort
of depends... just like http:// can be sometimes, depending on various things
as you noted.

3) I think having something this basic not interoperable across UAs is a really
bad idea, so whatever it is we do here we should aim for agreement across UAs
and then actually specify that agreement, not just have them ship incompatible

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Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 01:01:49 UTC