Re: [W3C Web Crypto WG] about tests

On 12/18/14, 4:10 AM, Harry Halpin wrote:
> What in your opinion is a *good* test suite?

One which has the property that an implementation passing it is very 
likely to be compliant with the specification.

> There's all sorts of levels of complexity one can do with testing, and I
> think how much testing we do depends on how much the WG can do and if
> W3C can be successful in more resources.

The right way to do testing is probably to set up a way for people to 
contribute tests and then get them to do that.  That's what the web 
platform tests effort is about, right?

In particular, getting implementors to contribute their existing test 
suites seems like a good start.


Received on Thursday, 18 December 2014 17:20:39 UTC