RE: Dates and location for WebCrypto meeting in Berlin

Hi all,
I am in the process to get the go from Fraunhaufer Institute (last week was very quiet in Europe due to consecutive bank holidays).
I am not in favor cancelling that meeting without an appropriate pool, so I’ll open a questionnaire and make sure all opinions are collected.
The objective for such F2F meeting would be : progress on the test framework, high level API, finalization of our 2 web crypto APIs, progress on certificate management. During the last F2F there were at least 10 people committed to attend during the show of hands, and I feel this is enough to call for a F2F meeting.
Questionnaire coming soon !


From: Anthony Nadalin []
Sent: mardi 14 mai 2013 08:32
To: Mike Jones; Harry Halpin
Cc: GALINDO Virginie; Wendy Seltzer;; Karen O'Donoghue
Subject: Re: Dates and location for WebCrypto meeting in Berlin

+1 to cancel

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Harry Halpin
Sent: ýMondayý, ýMayý ý13ý, ý2013 ý12ý:ý02ý ýPM
To: Mike Jones
Cc: Virginie Galindo, Wendy Seltzer,<>, Karen O'Donoghue

On 05/12/2013 01:33 AM, Mike Jones wrote:
What are the dates for the WebCrypto working group meeting in Berlin adjacent to IETF 87?  And what is the venue?  I really need to book my flights and hotel at this point and I’m sure that I’m not alone.

Very good question. I heard Frauhofer was willing to host, but there seemed conflicts in many directions. Who said that was posssible?

I'm also happy with cancelling the summer meeting and just having WebCrypto members attend the JOSE WG meeting to sort out the final related open issues with JOSE!


                                                            -- Mike

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 09:04:10 UTC