Re: An initial editor's draft: high-level API

Apologies for not responding to this thread sooner.

I have serious misgivings about the way this API has been structured. It
relies on events for one-time events, has opaque inverted control flow, and
uses very strange conventions (lower-cased constructable class names mixed
with create*() methods).

I think it needs, at a minimum, to be re-written based on Futures.

On Monday, January 28, 2013, David Dahl wrote:

> Hello All,
> An initial high-level API draft is here:
> Naturally, this draft is missing a few things, details, etc. Some early
> feedback indicates that "sign" and "verify" are redundant with
> encryptAndSign and verifyAndDecrypt.
> The object and method naming needs work as well. Your feedback and
> criticism is eagerly awaited.
> Regards,
> David

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 15:19:43 UTC