Proposed text for import/export


For those who didn't add themselves the bug I filed and resolved
this-afternoon (that would be all of you), I have proposed some text for
import / export in the Editor's Draft. This includes the text proposed by
Ryan under ACTION-115.

I believe there may remain various details associated with key formats
other than "raw" that will need to be specified. Also, there is still
discussion ongoing in JOSE about the "use" attribute. Although noone has
suggested that we should not be allowed to register the values now in our
specification, they may recommend we make changes to our registration.

We must also answer questions about what happens if you try to import a key
with a usage which is not supported by the key algorithm. Is that an error,
or is that usage simply omitted from the usages which make it into the
key.usages attribute ?


Received on Thursday, 19 December 2013 22:58:13 UTC