W3C Web Crypto WG - Agenda proposal for TPAC F2F meeting - for your comments

Dear all,
A proposal for the agenda in Lyon, to be discussed during our call today. I will refine details about timing later, thanks for sending me your feedbacks by mail or live during the call.

--- proposed agenda to our F2F meeting in Lyon  - 1 and 2 Oct 2012 ----

Day 1- morning

-          Review of the API and directions from editors to progress

-          Focusing on specific issues (part 1)

o   Crypto domain including ECB issue of course

o   functional domains

-          Feedback from Richard B about first implementation

Day 1- afternoon

-          Security Framework discussion

-          Use cases with Arun (over the phone possibly)

Day-2 morning

-          High level API

-          Test framework

Day2- afternoon

-          Meeting with WebAppSec (1 hour, already scheduled)

-          Focusing on specific issues (part 2)

-          Review of action plan and next steps

Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 18:41:23 UTC