Re: Random numbers

And/or cryptographically secure random primes of a given bit length.

- Chris

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:01 AM, Nadim <> wrote:

>  Also, very relevant is window.crypto.getRandomValues:
> NK
> On Tuesday, 15 May, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Nadim wrote:
>  If we implement AES and SHA-2, we can use these as building blocks for a
> Fortuna RNG (spec. Bruce Schneier, Niels Ferguson.) I've already
> implemented Fortuna in JS and it's definitely feasible.
> NK
> On Tuesday, 15 May, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Philip Gladstone wrote:
>  I believe that the crypto API should have a method for generating
> cryptographically secure random numbers. This is non-trivial to get right,
> but there is hardware support in some new chips for generating high quality
> random numbers. A uniform random number interface can abstract the platform
> differences and provide a uniform interface..
> Philip
> --
> Philip Gladstone
> Distinguished Engineer
> Product
> Phone: +1 978-ZEN-TOAD (+1 978 936 8623)
> Google: +1 978 800 1010
> Ham radio: N1DQ
> Attachments:
>  - smime.p7s

Christopher Kula

Received on Saturday, 19 May 2012 05:41:02 UTC