Re: Call for Confirming Editors for Use-Case Document

On 06/27/2012 03:08 PM, Channy Yun wrote:
> 2012/6/26 Harry Halpin < <>>
>     Everyone,
>     We went over a large number of toolchain options for editing a
>     document yesterday, but we are still need to determine who is the
>     editor of the use-case document. As this document drives the scope
>     of the Web Crypto WG, it is absolutely crucial we determine at
>     least one, ideally two or three, editors for this document. Channy
>     did most of the initial work - Channy, do you want to continue as
>     editor?
> I'm still interested in editing use cases spec. But, my position is 
> not full time for standards job and hard to join face to face meeting. 
> If you make meet-up for online editor training again, I can join. For 
> tools, wiki2spec or Respec is okay to me.


Either Respec.js or wiki2spec are fine. Given that we expect a lot of 
people to contribute text for use-cases in particular, I suspect that 
starting with the wiki, and then at some point once we have most of the 
use-cases, transitioning to edit with Respec.js might be the best 
toolchain for the job.

Given the time difference with Korea, are you available *early* Monday 
morning? At say, 7 or 8 AM?


> Thanks,
> Channy

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 21:53:31 UTC