[W3C Web Crypto WG] F2F agenda meeting in July 2012 - Mountain View in Mozilla office

Dear all,

You will find below the agenda for the F2F meeting in Mountain View. Thank you again to Mozilla and David D for hosting and organizing this meeting.
Feel free to suggest specific topics to discuss.

If this agenda is so attractive that you want to register to the meeting, you can do it under : https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/54174/WebCryptoJulF2F/

Chair of Web Crypto WG

Note :  provisioned 8 hours of work per day, including lunch and breaks.

Day 1 - From 9:30 to 17:30, with 20 minutes break every 2 hours

A)     Welcome - 30'

Including morning coffee, thanks Mozilla :)

Objective is also to identify who is who, and agree on agenda, scribing rules, ...

B)      Short status of our deliverables by editors - 30 '
Objective is to have everyone having the recent news/major next steps of our use cases and API

C)      Review of the draft API, session 1 - 2 h
Objective is to review the draft API.
I suggest the following methodology (please counter argue, suggest alternative) :

-          we briefly review briefly the entire API document and highlight the unstable parts (corresponding to open issues, open actions, polemic ideas...) or  missing parts compared to primary features in the charter.

-          And after we enter the technical discussions, part by part.
Priority will be given to low level API.

D)     Lunch - 1h

E)      Review of the draft API, session 2 - 4 h

Day 2 - From 9h00 to 17:00, with 20 minutes break every 2 hours

A)     Discussion about draft API "go to First Public Working Draft" on time - 1h30

Objective here is to define what is missing to make the draft API ready to be ready for FPWD (edition aspects, comments, means to highlight open issues ...), and thus listing actions/owners to make FPWD happening.

B)      Review of the use cases wiki - 1h

Objective here is to make sure we all agree with use cases

C)      Discussion about use cases "go to First Public Working Draft" - 30'

Objective here is to define what is missing to make the primary use cases readable, and thus listing actions/owners to make use cases usefull for the public to understand the context of the API

D)     Discussion about tools for edition - 1h

E)      Lunch - 1h

F)      Discussion about tests - 2h

G)     Review of actions/milestones - 30'

H)     AOB - please suggest topics - 30'

Received on Monday, 16 July 2012 20:55:50 UTC