Dear all,
You will find below a proposed agenda for our call on Monday 16th of July @ 19:00 UTC.
The call will last one hour and half.
Details of the call:
Bridge : +1.617.761.6200, 27978# (CRYPT)
IRC : #crypto
Chair of Web Crypto WG
----- agenda update 16th of July 2012 ------
1- Welcome - 5'
- attendees list
- pick a scribe
(note that good scribe instructions have been edited by XML Security WG under )
- agenda approval.
- welcoming new members
- minutes from previous call approval 2nd of July and 9th of July available under our wiki.
2- Use cases - 15'
- Use cases status by Channy - if available
3- Draft API review - 1h
- News from editors
- Discussing ISSUE#3 algo discovery and ISSUE#1 mandatory set of algo
- Discussing key extractability
- Action status
4- Group Life - 5'
Proposed agenda of our F2F on 24/25th of July, in Mountain View, see related mail.
5- AOB
please suggest