Last Call and round two of reviews?

Happy holidays everyone!

I think, given that we're going to get a new version out, that we 
absolutely *must* get wide reviews ASAP.  While some of the reviews so 
far have been good, I'm quite worried that we haven't gotten the wide 
review. While we can wait for Last Call, in case there's serious 
concerns, it would be better to do it earlier. In fact, the harder the 
reviewer the better, as long as they are clear with our baseline 
assumptions - which our blog post should help clear up in Jan.

Thus, I suggest we start doing some massive outreach via social media 
and conferences. I'm working on a generic slide-set (I'll be done within 
the hour) on the latest Editor's draft of the API to help with outreach, 
and I'll give it a run at CCC to see if it works. RSA would be another 
great place for outreach if anyone is going to be there, and we 
absolutely at some point do need to present to the WebSec folks at IETF 
(anyone in Orlando?).

This is exceptionally important as that according to our charter, we 
should actually be going into Last Call in February, although given the 
fact that we have lots of open issues (In fact, if anything reviews can 
also help us crowd-source feelings from folks about some open issues) 
and given the fact we started 3 months later than expected, I think a 3 
month extension would be a reasonable request if the WG wants it. 
However, doing more than that is going to be hard.


Received on Thursday, 27 December 2012 12:42:25 UTC