Review of WebRTC 1.0 from Web Crypto Working Group

Dear Web Crypto Working Group,

The WebRTC Working Group is working toward publishing the WebRTC 1.0 
specification to Candidate Recommendation and is thus seeking review 
from a variety of groups on the document:

We are particularly interested on feedback on the following aspects from 
the Web Crypto WG:
- the management of certificates used to establish the DTLS connections,
- the usage and exchange of signed assertions in the identity provider 

We of course also welcome feedback on any other aspect of the specification..

Any such feedback received the week before TPAC would make it possible 
for us to look at it during our F2F there and so would be appreciated. 
We hope to transition request to Candidate Recommendation by the end of 
this year.

If you have any comments, we prefer you submit them as Github issues:

Alternatively, you can send your comments by email to


For the WebRTC co-chairs,

Received on Thursday, 15 October 2015 09:13:31 UTC