Re: [W3C Web Crypto WG] Rechartering discussion - Gemalto contribution

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Siva Narendra <> wrote:

> Hi Anders. While traditional EMV on GP Smart Card does not easily allow
> for it, that is exactly what EMV Tokenization enables. Apple Pay implements
> EMV Tokenization on a GP Smart Card chip. Google Wallet can leverage EMV
> Tokenization independent of Apple for the same credit card number. And so
> can other independent GP hardware. Similar to Tokenization for EMV, atleast
> in the US even the government standards for CAC/PIV recently released what
> is called as Derived Credential. This space is rapidly evolving and we
> shouldn't get tied up with one approach such as FIDO assuming rest of the
> world will adopt it.
> Best,
> Siva
> *--*
> *Siva G. Narendra Ph.D. CEO - Tyfone, Inc.Portland | Bangalore |
> <>*
> *Voice: +1.661.412.2233 <%2B1.661.412.2233>*
Given the IPR situation with Global Platform, I think it's disingenuous to
dangerous to suggest it's a viable path for web standardization.

While this is ultimately speculative, since it depends precisely on if and
what the WG decides to pursue, I think it bears mentioning

Received on Monday, 2 February 2015 20:36:59 UTC