
One, that's a bit of an outdated version of the spec. Please see the latest
Editor's Draft -

Two, the API uses ArrayBufferView, so you can use any API that returns
ArrayBuffers - including the File API -

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Титов Николай <>wrote:

> Hi2all !
> I have read the “working draft” about CryptoAPI for browsers at
> Can you tell me: how I can encrypt file data (blob data)?
> In examples, signed & encrypted only simple text data.
> But most public web-applications need encrypt file data too!
> For example:
> <!-- file input element of some form -->
> <input type=file id=myfile />
> <script>
> …
> // after user selected file in form, we can do:
>     var f = document.getElementById(‘myfile’);
>     var signdata = window.crypto.subtle.sign(algorithmSign,
> key.privateKey).process(f.getBlob()).finish();
> </script>
> But javascript has not interface with read file data.
> Best regards, chris196765

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 19:01:11 UTC