Re: The Swedish WebCrypto use-case - Progress report

Thank you for the continued focus on out of scope work.

Considering that this work began in 2011, I do not consider it a failing of
the W3C. Nor do I consider it "proof" of the unsuitability of WebCrypto.
Given that no UA has shipped an implementation without prefix or flag, nor
has the ED advanced to LC, its entirely reasonable for businesses and site
operators to make pragmatic and rational evaluations of the technology
available to them.

If you actually read the specifications, you would realize that its
entirely possible for such a service to (eventually) migrate to a WebCrypto
solution - for example, using registerProtocolHandler and/or Message Ports
as an alternative.

As always, I thank you for your feedback, and merely note that the facts do
not support your conclusions.

All the best,
On Feb 17, 2014 9:04 PM, "Anders Rundgren" <>

> Since browser plugins are to be "outlawed" and W3C rejected all
> suggestions for making WebCrypto useful in more traditional scenarios, the
> Swedish banks are now rolling out non-web solutions.
> The only connection left to the browser is now through specific URL-schemes
> which are used to invoke a local security application.
> Having explored this feature extensively in my SKS/KeyGen2 PoC, I can
> attest that it is platform-dependent, unreliable, gives a poor
> user-experience and introduces serious security disconnects.
> Anders

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 05:53:37 UTC