- From: helpcrypto helpcrypto <helpcrypto@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:13:03 +0200
- To: public-webcrypto-comments@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAHMQSgs4Y1Q3DCofcrPBbdprub1aAb-_EaiSU-QnHpEUU+vVmw@mail.gmail.com>
Hi all! Few months ago I asked about WebCrypto state of the art. Today, many things have changed and after a long reading, here I go again. Please, *feel free to send me any comments, corrections or suggestions*, they are all welcome. I truly thank your answers!!! If I didn't understand wrong, *there are currently 3 documents to have in mind*: WebCrypto API: [1] Which focus on API to make operations such signing or verifying. This has been already implemented by [2] for Javascript. Firstly, there are some parts I have interest in: 13.2.6. The generateKey method 13.2.9. The importKey method 13.2.10. The exportKey method *I know that "handling the keys" is out of the scope of this document (smartcards too)*, but I'll like to know if, as an integrator, I'll be able to generate a key pair on CSP/NSS/PKCS#11 modules, or import/export keys from my smartcards using -for example- a PKCS#11 interface. In other words: *Will this invoke microsoft-csp or linux-nss operations under this layer to get access to keystores?* (I think so, but looking for confirmation) I'm also missing a* getKey(filter)* function that returns a handler to use keys in operations like sign(key,data). *Do you plan to add it?* *Will be possible to specify a filter/unicode string to search on subject/cert?* I think key protection is also outside of the scope of this document, but: *Will it be possible to make a key "sticky", being able to sign more than 1 document with "one PIN" only? (batch mode) * Finally, [3] says "Also, the system must display to the user the data that is being signed, so that he knows what he is signing" I'll like to publicly ask, request, beg, plead, pray...this to be human readable. Old Mozilla's signText was one of the worst -imho- *human *friendly GUIs ever made. *Could it be possible to display what the user is going to say using tools like PDF.js (for PDF files)? Could it be possible to display a short customizable message like: "Hi peter, here are the documents you have to sign!"?* KeyDiscovery: [4] This document purpose is to define how the keys will be recovered from the browser. IMHO, the *getKey *function IS the link between these two documents, and thats the reason why WebCrypto spec should contain the function and reference to KeyDiscovery (not the way around). Reading this document, I not sure if I understood this part: interface NamedKey : Key { readonly attribute DOMString name; readonly attribute DOMString? id; }; *Will getKeyByName("PETER") will look for all keys containing (in any attribute) the word "PETER"?* (If that's correct, im happpy to hear it!) Also, will be great to be able to filter by keystore like getKey(keystore,filter). This keystore could match CSP name or PKCS#11 library. All keystores should be queried if no keystore provided. *Could this be possible?* Some examples, like [5] will be much appreciated. High-Level API: [6] *Cant this document be merged with [1] as callbacks?* Last but not least, *I'll like to thank the big effort you are doing with this*. With each little step of this spec in happier in my daily work, knowing one day in the future, ill get rid of Java. Thank you all!!! [1] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcrypto-api/raw-file/tip/spec/Overview.html [2] polycrypt.net [3] http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/wiki/Use_Cases [4] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcrypto-keydiscovery/raw-file/tip/Overview.html [5] https://github.com/daviddahl/domcrypt [6] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webcrypto-highlevel/raw-file/tip/Overview.html
Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 18:13:50 UTC