Re: WebCrypto API Developers Feedback

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Mountie Lee <> wrote:

> Hi.
> let me add my comment for your questions.
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Matthias Dugué <>wrote:
>> Dear WebCrypto WG members,
>> We are web developers, working in a web agency for various clients and
>> various projects, from institutional to e-commerce websites.
>> We looked very closely into the WebCrypto API. Here are some thoughts,
>> from our point of view:
>> In our opinion, nowadays, the low-level API requires some skills that the
>> average developer doesn't have, which makes us think the high-level API is
>> even more relevant and should be delivered quickly. Admittedly, it is a
>> low-level API, but this makes it hard to use for a broad spectrum of web
>> developers, mostly because of its permissive nature with many security
>> choices, namely algorithms. A lot of us don't understand the implications
>> of these choices, and think the learning curve is too steep.
> currently no consensus for high-level API.


> some member need it
> but
> some member (like me) think do not need it.

That should not block it if other members find value.

>  because the higher-level API can be contributed by 3rd party community
> (jQuery team will be good example)

As a general rule, this argument does not work. The idea that "users will
consume a higher-level wrapper" most of the time means that your group is
either committing design malpractice by miscalculating the costs of the
wrappers or by excluding your largest motivating use-cases. It is design
failure not to deliver a feature that meets the needs of most of your
potential users.

>  While recommending a set of algorithms to implement, the low-level API
>> does not guarantee a consistent implementation across browsers, which may
>> generate reluctance in adoption. We fear that some browser editors will
>> refuse to implement some algorithms due to their policies or technical
>> difficulty, which will create a fragmented support, like the one we see
>> today with the <video> codecs.
>  Considering the key support and access, the fact that low-level API
>> allows to retrieve a key which is not present in the browser environment
>> (and thus create an error) will be confusing. We believe it would be
>> preferable not to present a key whose material is not available, rather
>> than offering to use it but throw an error when trying to access it. This
>> reminds us of the <video> support and its canPlayType() method (
>> that can return *probably* if the media is playable, which is better
>> than *maybe* but worse than *yes*… Please, we need strong support when
>> we need to deal with APIs, not *probably* support! (-*is the key
>> available ?* -*probably*…)
> similar issues ( were
> also raised in previous F2F meeting.
> and my answer is some testing code is enough in lower level.
> your example "canPlayType()" also belong to high-level.
>>  Finally, the use case for certificate management is missing (as a
>> simple and attractive means to implement the user/application
>> authentication). We're very impatient to see the outcome of your efforts to
>> bring us a robust API to build crypto methods. But, as web applications
>> developers, our first emergency is a simple to use and robust API, to deal
>> with certificates/authentication, in order to prevent the security hole
>> that is currently the login/password couple.
> certificate management issue is one of secondary issues.
> I expect a draft version of certificate as a different document from
> current API spec will be suggested working group soon.
> My team is preparing the proposals and you can review and add your comment.
>>  Thanks a lot for your work and your interest in reading this email,
>> we'll be closely following your drafts!
>> Matthias Dugué (@madsgraphics)
>> Nicolas Hoizey (@nhoizey)
>> --
>> Matthias DUGUÉ -
>> Agence de Paris
>> Mobile : +33 6 13 12 73 75
>> Tél. +33 1 53 34 66 10
>> Clever Age - *Digital Architecture*
>> *Clever Garden - Digital Landscape*
>>  Clever Presence - *Digital Running*
> --
> Mountie Lee
> PayGate
> Tel : +82 2 2140 2700
> E-Mail :
> =======================================
> PayGate Inc.
> for Korea, Japan, China, and the World

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2013 21:17:59 UTC