Use Case 3.1 and Identifying a Server?

Hi All,

I was looking at use cases [0] and the past thread "Exposing TLS &
Certificate Information in Javascript" [1]. I have a couple questions
about use case '3.1. Banking Transactions':

> Park Jae-sang opens up a bank account with Gangnam Bank,
> and wishes to log-in and engage in online transactions, including
> account balance checking, online payments (with some automated
> scheduled payments), and account transfers between domestic
> and investment accounts.
(1) how did Park Jae-sang acquire the banking application?

> The first time Park logs in to the Gangnam Bank website
> (Gangnam Bank's website from now on will be abbreviated
> "GB") with a temporary verification code sent to his cell phone, the
> bank asks him to ascertain if the browser he is using is not at a
> kiosk; moreover, he is asked if it is a web browser and machine
> configuration he will use often.... He confirms that it is.
(2) how did Park Jae-sang verify the identity of GB?



Received on Monday, 11 March 2013 12:09:54 UTC