Enveloped JSON Signatures

The concept of enveloped signatures have been slammed by the JOSE WG due to a belief that canonicalization issues will be hard.
FWIW, I just write a JSON encoder, decoder and signature utility in one week and I didn't find any problems all.


It seem that I will be able to replace 200,000 lines of Apache code with about 2,000 lines of custom code.

        "Version": "http://example.com/signature",
        "Now": "2013-08-25T20:31:23+02:00",
            "RTl": "67",
                "HTL": "656756#",
                "INTEGER": -689,
                "Fantastic": false
            "er": "33"
        "ARR": [],
             "HTL": "656756#",
             "INTEGER": -689,
             "Fantastic": true
             "HTL": "656756#",
             "INTEGER": -689,
             "Fantastic": false
        "ID": "ihqQONXvN5_LnmdAG7YU",
        "STRINGS": ["One","Two","Three"],
        "Intra": 78,
                "Algorithm": "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256",
                    "Name": "ID",
                    "Value": "ihqQONXvN5_LnmdAG7YU"
                            "NamedCurve": "http://xmlns.webpki.org/sks/algorithm#ec.p256",
                            "X": "lNxNvAUEE8t7DSQBft93LVSXxKCiVjhbWWfyg023FCk",
                            "Y": "LmTlQxXB3LgZrNLmhOfMaCnDizczC/RfQ6Kx8iNwfFA"
            "SignatureValue": "MEUCIEhZtArhp8O7d1n7SRWRQcs3qePGBCrnKY8x2O3o+nvPAiEA0On5hez2EHmEwJIm/UK7GxqZeWWcaFzK9OVAhygAWVk"

Why bother with this you may wonder?  Well I can't imagine converting the previous cool stuff to something yucky like:

"message": "eyJ0eXAiOibGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.LmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.2K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"

Canonicalization (=removal of whitespace):



Received on Sunday, 25 August 2013 19:05:35 UTC