Re: The Certificate Agenda Point

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Anders Rundgren
<> wrote:
> The problem in a nutshell is that the use-case for consumer-PKI only exists outside of the US while the platforms essentially are all of US origin.
What is consumer-PKI? A PKI that relies on a commercial CA? Or the
browser's use of commercial CAs and subordinates? Or perhaps a
application by a commercial company whose PKI uses its own private CA?

PKI deployments are world wide. The details and profiles are designed
by committee in documents such as RFC 5280.

The agenda for a commercial CA is pretty clear: maximize earnings,
minimize warranty, and shed liability through license agreements and
Certification Practice Statement (CPS).


Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2013 02:41:37 UTC