For what it's worth, I know of other groups interested in native speed bigint math in JavaScript.
-- Mike
From: Stefan Xenon
Sent: 11/23/2012 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: RSA blind signatures
Hi Ryan,
by any chance, could we propose such bigint API? If this would have a
realistic chance, how is the process to move forward?
Am 23.11.2012 18:43, schrieb Ryan Sleevi:
> A bigint API has not been proposed.
> On Nov 23, 2012 1:47 AM, "Stefan Xenon" <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi!
> We are developing a system (<http://>
> <>) which uses Chaum's RSA
> blind signatures. Of course I don't expect the Web Crypto API to
> natively support blind signatures. Instead we would like to utilize
> "raw" big integer operations to speed up our calculations. But In your
> current draft I couldn't find such basic operations exposed to web
> applications. Primarily we would need big integer operations for
> exponentiation and inverting (both modulo). Did I overlook such
> functions? Or would it be possible for your API to expose such functions
> to web applications?
> Regards,
> Stefan