[Agenda] 25 March Web Commerce Interest Group call: Web Monetization

Dear Participants in the Web Commerce Interest Group,

Our next group call takes place Monday, 25 March from 10-11am ET.

PLEASE NOTE: This date is in the range when the US and Europe are on different DST schedules.
Here are relevant times outside of ET:

  * Paris: 3-4pm
  * London: 2–3pm
  * South Africa: 4-5pm


 * Web Monetization: The Web's Missing Business Model
    Stefan Thomas and Adrian Hope-Bailie (both of Coil) will present 

Dial-up information:

Meet on irc.w3.org in #wpay.

Thank you,


Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2019 04:23:38 UTC