Response to WebCGM 2.1 Last Call comment: i18n comment 2: CSS2 rules

Dear Richard,

The WebCGM Working Group has reviewed the comment you sent [1] about the 
WebCGM 2.1 Last Call Working Draft [2] published on 02 October 2008. 
Thank you for having taken the time to review the document and send us 

The Working Group's response resolution to your comment is included below.

Please review it carefully and acknowledge this WebCGM WG response by 
replying to this mail and copying the WebCGM public mailing list 
<>. Let us know if you agree with it or not before 
11 Jan 2009.  If we receive no reply from you by January 11, then we 
will default your reply to "WebCGM WG response accepted."

In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific 
solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group.

If such a consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the 
opportunity to raise a formal objection which will then be reviewed by 
the Director during the transition of this document to the next stage in 
the W3C Recommendation Track.

Best regards,

On behalf of the WebCGM Working Group,
Thierry Michel, WebCGM WG Team Contact.

* Comment Sent: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:28:17 +00000
* Archived:

The WebCGM WG has the following responses to your comment:

SUMMARY of your comment:

Comment from the i18n review of:

Comment 2
Editorial/substantive: E
Tracked by: RI

Location in reviewed document: 

"The list syntax and normalization are derived from the specifications 
of CSS 2.0 [CSS20]. In particular, the values and syntax of the 
substitutionList attribute are derived from CSS's definition of the 
font-family property "

It is unclear where these rules are in CSS2, ie. whether there are more 
than in the font-family section, given the use of the phrase 'in 
particular'. If so, we couldn't find where.

RESPONSE to your comment:

Clarify text by changing:
"The list syntax and normalization are derived from the specifications 
of CSS 2.0 [@@CSS20@@]. In particular, the values and syntax of the 
substitutionList attribute are derived from CSS's definition of the 
@@font-family@@ property:"
"The values and syntax of the substitutionList attribute, as well as the 
normalization of that attribute, are derived from the definition of the 
@@font-family@@ property in CSS2 2.0 [@@CSS20@@]:"

[Ed-note: @@font-family@@ denotes text "font-family" that links to: ;
@@CSS20@@ denotes text "CSS20" that links to the WebCGM 2.1 references 
list, which in this version is: ]

--------------------------- end -------------------------------

Received on Friday, 19 December 2008 15:51:36 UTC