away till 9th November

All --

I will be away and out of contact till 9th November.

I would like Stuart to fill in as acting Chair, in my absence.

During this period, implementors should come to their final offerings for 
the W3C CR (stuart, that should be coordinated through a TC meeting, e.g., 
28th October)

I don't see any need for a meeting this Wednesday (21st Oct).

Stuart, you and Thierry might seriously think about getting a WG resolution 
on 4th November to exit CR, initiate PR processing, with document as [to 
be] modified by CR comments and "at risk" removals.  For the latter, you 
will need a resolution listing the removals.  That in turn will depend on 
the results of the previous TC meeting with implementors.

If that is done on the 4-nov meeting, then it will be clear when I return, 
how to make the draft PR text, and more importantly, what to take back to 
the TC (*that* is the critical time path now; W3C PR can proceed slowly, as 
OASIS is going to take much more time.)


Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2009 18:15:41 UTC