2.1 edits are completed

All --

I have applied all pending edits to the current-editor draft of the WebCGM 
2.1 spec.  [1].

Please have a look at the changes, by referring to the Change Log [2] and 
following its links.

a.) are they correct?
b.) are they complete?  (I.e., did I forget any items?)

I am especially concerned about #b, as I myself just found an omission, 
after scanning our email logs.

I have *not* yet done the styling changes:  turn off the existing 
highlights that mark changes between 2.0 and 1st LCWD, and turn on styling 
to highlight changes just since 1st LCWD.  The latter will be done before 
2nd LCWD review.

FYI, I'll be away from the office, but expecting to have email contact, 
till the end of the week.


[1] http://www.w3.org/Graphics/WebCGM/drafts/current-editor-21/Overview.html

Received on Monday, 4 May 2009 18:58:02 UTC