no WG telecon Wednesday

I like Thierry's way of phrasing it ... "adjourned".

The next WG telecon is scheduled for Wednesday, 8th April, 11am EDT.


At 05:12 PM 3/24/2009 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>I have no agenda items for a Wednesday telecon.
>we should probably ajourn.
>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>Hi All --
>>According to schedule, our next WebCGM WG telecon is 11am EDT, Wednesday, 
>>March 26.
>>Agenda:  currently empty.
>>We have resolved all open issues, vetted the resolutions with the WebCGM 
>>TC, and included all resolutions in the current editors draft.  We are 
>>awaiting completion of test-suite assignments by the TC, advancement of 
>>implementations, and anticipating the possibility of more technical 
>>issues as a result.  (Anticipated 2nd LCWD Review -- mid-May.)
>>I think the only potential agenda item would be our proposed revised 
>>schedule.  Approximately:
>>-- (end-Apr:  TC completion of TS);
>>-- end-Apr:  virtual F2F around TS completion;
>>-- May:  2nd LCWD Review
>>-- July:  F2F (Ann Arbor) for two-pass test fest and CR progression.
>>Given that that seems agreeable to everyone (no negative comments), I 
>>don't think it alone justifies a Wednesday telecon.
>>Does anyone have agenda items for a Wednesday telecon?  If not, then I 
>>propose to cancel it.  (Final decision to be made/announced Tuesday PM.)

Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2009 00:41:35 UTC