Re: [Done] [zakim] Teleconference Booking

Thanks Thierry.

ALL -- the telecon is Wednesday 11am ET.  I will send a detailed agenda 
tomorrow (Tuesday) -- lots of issues to look at.


At 11:37 PM 1/26/2009 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>The change from Thursdays to Wednesdays is now done.
>Marisol Diaz wrote:
>>Changed from Thursdays to Wednesdays through 30 December 2009.
>>WebCGM <>
>>Wednesdays 16:00-17:30 UTC 
>>(11:00am-12:30pm Boston local)
>>Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200 <tel:+1.617.761.6200>, conference 932246 
>>10 participants
>>Thierry Michel <>
>>Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>Dear Admins,
>>>This is a request for booking Zakim.
>>>Thee WebCGM WG currently has a telecon slot on every wednesday 
>>>We would like to move this telecon (same time slot) but on wednesdays.
>>>1. Day(s): wednesday
>>>2. Date(s): starting on  28 January 2009
>>>3. Time: from 16:00-17:30 UTC
>>>4.  Recurring: every week
>>>5. Number of participants: 10
>>>6. Name of teleconference group GA_WebCGM 
>>>7. Preferred conference passcode /"932246" ("WEBCGM")/

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 00:01:56 UTC