Re: Typo in Section


Good catch.  I have corrected it in the new editor's draft that I'm 
starting.  (First entry!)

(We consider the text frozen for the 20090130 Working Draft that we expect 
W3C to publish Friday.)


At 06:26 PM 1/24/2009 -0600, Don wrote:

>In Section line 4 the text currently reads-
>               lineJoinInd ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) "1"
>I think it should be:
>               edgeJoinInd ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) "1"
>Larson Software Technology
>Tel: (713)977.4177 ext. 102

Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 00:42:47 UTC