Re: ISSUE: how should dashLength be encoded in the ACI?

[ order to close this formally in the WG...]

RECOMMENDATION:  for each of the 4 items (dashLength, gapWidth, 
directionVectors, lineTypeIndex) that are currently "repeatable" elements 
in the ACI, revise them to be XML attributes on their parent elements, 
encoded as list-of-number subtype.

This resolution was unanimous in all discussion on this thread,

and the unanimous resolution is reflected here (excerpted below):


At 11:12 AM 1/28/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>Agreed.  I was assuming that, but neglected to say it -- same treatment 
>for those other 3 similar things (gapWidth, directionVectors, 
>lineTypeIndex) in the ACI defaults stuff.
>At 11:56 AM 1/28/2009 -0600, Don wrote:
>>Since the consensus and proposed resolution is-
>>"make dashLength an XML attribute coded as list-of-numbers".
>>I think we should also apply this change to gapWidth, directionVectors,
>>lineTypeIndex. That is, make these XML attributes of hatchStyleDef.
>>A hatchStyleDef would for example be coded like this-
>><hatchStyleDef hatchIndex="1"  styleInd="parallel" cycleLength="100"
>>   numberOfLines="4" directionVectors="0 1 1 0" gapWidth="2 1 4 1"
>>   lineTypeIndex="1 2 3 4"
>> >  Okay, everyone who has expressed a preference has opted for #2.
>>  >  I will list this as the proposed resolution, and we will confirm in a
>>  >  telecon (formally, it needs to be confirmed in the WG now).
>>  >  -Lofton.

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 00:01:36 UTC