- From: Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 17:17:46 -0600
- To: WebCGM WG <public-webcgm-wg@w3.org>
- Cc: "Forrest Carpenter (E-mail)" <forrest@sdicgm.com>,Ulrich Läsche (E-mail) <ulrich@cgmtech.de>, Robert Orosz <roboro@auto-trol.com>
[...From Rob, forwarded to the W3C Working Group as requested....] XML 1.0, 5th Edition incorporates the accumulated errata to XML 1.0, 4th Edition. This is the really "meaty" erratum against the 4th Edition. http://www.w3.org/XML/xml-V10-4e-errata#E09 This erratum relaxes restrictions on the character repertoire of XML names. The upshot is that the BNF productions (e.g. Letter, BaseChar) in Appendix B "are now orphaned and not used anymore in determining name characters." We should discuss this, but I think it is harmless to WebCGM. In particular, I don't think we ever refer directly to Appendix B when we need to refer to the character repertoire of XML names, but we refer instead to section 2.3. For example, does this. http://www.w3.org/Graphics/WebCGM/drafts/current-editor-21/WebCGM21-IC.html# webcgm_3_1_1_3 Note that although the text mentions XML 1.0, fourth edition, the links in fact navigate to the third edition. Also note that previous restrictions on the beginning character of an XML name are still in place; e.g. a name (still) cannot begin with an ASCII digit. Regards, Rob
Received on Monday, 27 April 2009 23:18:46 UTC