[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2008-10-09

WebCGM WG --

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and also available as text, below.


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                             WebCGM Teleconf
                               09 Oct 2008



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/09-webcgm-irc


           Lofton, Dave, Dieter, Thierry

           Stuart, Don, Benoit




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]roll call 11:00am ET
          2. [6]F2F scheduling:
          3. [7]Status of LC review
          4. [8]Next telecon
      * [9]Summary of Action Items


roll call 11:00am ET

    Dave, membership: has everyone joined?

    Thierry: It seems so

    Lofton, Chris has not joined. He probably won't.

    Dave, agenda: additions?

    Dave, None

    Lofton, for more zakim irc command


      [10] http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html

F2F scheduling:

    Lofton, Last week of January looks like an open window

    Lofton, keep that week open

    Lofton, Will try to set a firm date in November

    Lofton, move to next agendum

Status of LC review

    Dave, Last Call DoC at
    [11]http://www.w3.org/2008/10/03/WebCGM21-LC-comments.html document

      [11] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/03/WebCGM21-LC-comments.html

    Thierry, So far 2 comments sent to this list

    Thierry, I will send a reminder to the Chairs

    Lofton, expect that any external comments will just before closing

    Lofton, two comments on the list seems pretty simple


      [12] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/03/WebCGM21-LC-comments.html#Issue1

    Thierry, Rob proposed a simple solution

    Thierry, simply doubling the byte limit for both graphical and
    non-graphical text strings


      [13] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/03/WebCGM21-LC-comments.html#Issue2

    Lofton, is no brainer

    Dave, Change union to unionRect as proposed by Don

    Lofton, there is another item being worked through the TC and will
    make it to the WG soon

    Thierry, the 6 weeks Last Call period ends on 01 November 2008.

    Lofton, expecting more comments during implementation

Next telecon

    Next telecon: 23 October 2008

    Zakim bridge : + (France)

    +1 617-761-6200 (US) / +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol UK)

    these numbers are indicated at


      [14] http://www.w3.org/Graphics/WebCGM/WG/Group/Overview.html

    but missing the UK number

    Dave, Ajourned at 11:25

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [15]scribe.perl version 1.133
     ([16]CVS log)
     $Date: 2008/10/10 19:41:02 $

      [15] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
      [16] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 19:44:24 UTC