Thursday telecon & LC resolutions

All --

Earlier I had set a goal of end-of-telecon on Thursday (11/20) for 
completion of disposition of Last Call comments.

There is some slippage on my action items, and so it is more realistic to 
reschedule that goal for the following WG telecon (12/4).

The main topic this Thursday will be the I18N comments.   Please have a 
look at them (see below).  Before CoB Wednesday, I will send my own 
opinions on them, just to kick off the discussion.


>Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 08:22:22 -0700
>To: WebCGM WG <>
>From: Lofton Henderson <>
>Subject: Fwd: Last call comments [from i18n]
>All --
>Below you will find the first of 7 messages that I18N sent to WebCGM, to 
>our public comment list.
>( [1] )
>It is the introductory message, and is followed by six specific messages, 
>4 of which have substantive content.
>Please have a look and think about them, as we will want to try to resolve 
>them by the end of our 11/20 WG telecon.  For convenience, all of the 
>comments are found in this table (which each comment references):
>Thierry, I believe that our internal WG discussions should happen on 
>*this* list (public-webcgm-wg), as opposed to on the public comment list 
>(public-webcgm).  Correct?
>p.s.  I'll be away from the office most of today, so won't have a chance 
>for a close analysis until Wednesday probably.
>>From: "Richard Ishida" <>
>>To: <>,
>>         <>
>>Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:27:36 -0000
>>X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
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>>X-W3C-Scan-Sig: 1KzqT0-0003zt-9B 
>>Subject: Last call comments
>>Archived-At: <$1e155d00$5a401700$@org>
>>X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/30
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>>Apologies for lateness, but I was recently specifically asked to check 
>>the wording of section 9.3.2.  I have discussed this with the i18n WG, 
>>but they have not yet formally signed off on the finally wording of the 
>>comments - I am sending the comments now however for the sake of 
>>timeliness. The proposed comments were sent to an i18n list, and no 
>>objections were raised.
>>I will send each comment (there are 6) under separate cover (to make it 
>>easier to track issues).
>>I hope this will prove helpful. Best regards,
>>Richard Ishida
>>Internationalization Lead
>>W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2008 15:21:17 UTC