Fwd: Last call comments [from i18n]

All --

Below you will find the first of 7 messages that I18N sent to WebCGM, to 
our public comment list.
( [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm/2008Nov/0000.html )

It is the introductory message, and is followed by six specific messages, 4 
of which have substantive content.

Please have a look and think about them, as we will want to try to resolve 
them by the end of our 11/20 WG telecon.  For convenience, all of the 
comments are found in this table (which each comment references):

Thierry, I believe that our internal WG discussions should happen on *this* 
list (public-webcgm-wg), as opposed to on the public comment list 
(public-webcgm).  Correct?


p.s.  I'll be away from the office most of today, so won't have a chance 
for a close analysis until Wednesday probably.

>From: "Richard Ishida" <ishida@w3.org>
>To: <public-webcgm@w3.org>,
>         <public-i18n-core@w3.org>
>Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:27:36 -0000
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 12.0
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>X-Original-To: public-webcgm@w3.org
>Subject: Last call comments
>Archived-At: <http://www.w3.org/mid/009d01c943e8$1e155d00$5a401700$@org>
>Resent-From: public-webcgm@w3.org
>X-Mailing-List: <public-webcgm@w3.org> archive/latest/30
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>Apologies for lateness, but I was recently specifically asked to check the 
>wording of section 9.3.2.  I have discussed this with the i18n WG, but 
>they have not yet formally signed off on the finally wording of the 
>comments - I am sending the comments now however for the sake of 
>timeliness. The proposed comments were sent to an i18n list, and no 
>objections were raised.
>I will send each comment (there are 6) under separate cover (to make it 
>easier to track issues).
>I hope this will prove helpful. Best regards,
>Richard Ishida
>Internationalization Lead
>W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 15:23:16 UTC