Re: [Agenda] WebCGM telecon: Thursday, 11 October 2007


Yes, that's a good idea.  I'll do that later today.


At 09:10 AM 10/10/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:

>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>Hello WebCGM WG,
>>If you can't attend this week's WG teleconference, please reply (to list) 
>>with "regrets".
>>Main topics: WG Re-charter;  MIME; 1.0 & 2.0 errata final stuff;
>>Additions to agenda welcome, if this overlooks any topic that you want to 
>I know you have discussed at TC, candidate features for a WebCGM future 
>Could you list these features ? You might have a pointer to that.
>It would be a good input for WG Re-charter.

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 13:21:36 UTC