Re: WG telecon non-participation


Sorry I was traveling and did not have the opportunity to get a 
connexion for the call.


  Henderson wrote:
> Don, Benoit, Thierry, Dieter, Chris --
> You are listed as members in good standing:
> Three showed up for telecon, 5 did not, 0 regrets.  (I know about Chris, 
> and Dieter indicated several weeks ago that he might have a recurring 
> Thursday problem.)
> Therefore we could not endorse the extension request as planned.  We 
> have done it in a loose fashion by email, but that probably doesn't 
> suffice.  What should we do now?
> a.) email straw poll (I could summarize w/ URI's of replies)
> b.) telecon 1 week from today (5/31)
> c.) quit
> In next email, I will propose a revised draft extension request, which I 
> hope will remove any of the possible pitfalls that Chris warned about 
> earlier.
> -Lofton.

Received on Monday, 28 May 2007 22:04:46 UTC