Re: november combined TP & AC ...


I was aware of the Technical Plenary and AC meeting in Boston in next Nov.
(and have added a bullet for a F2F in the charter extension request).

Lets see if the WebCGM WG is extended before planning anything.

  Henderson wrote:
> WebCGM WG,
> I have been remiss in not bringing this to your attention earlier.  In 
> November, there is a chance to have a F2F at a combined Technical 
> Plenary and AC meeting.
> In any case, it is clearly premature to be planning our next F2F, given 
> the uncertainty about any potential future 2+ work in general, and about 
> the WG's near future status in particular.
> I hope you agree and apologize for not raising this earlier.
> Regards,
> -Lofton.

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 07:49:39 UTC