Re: revised DTD errata file

Thanks for taking care of the updates Thierry.

There will be a telecon Thursday, as you said.  I will send an agenda, but 
possibly not until Wednesday evening.  I expect we can discuss about the 
status of the errata.

It would also be good, I think, to talk about the pending end-of-WG (two 
months).  There is activity in the (OASIS) TC to generate requirements and 
Use Cases for a modest addendum to 2.0.  There is already a draft list of 
possibilities.  How should such activity be coordinated, W3C-OASIS?


At 06:10 PM 3/27/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:

>OK it takes a little more time than planed but we are getting there.
>I have updated the errata page
>1- fixed  the "Copyright © 2007 W3C® "encoding issue.
>2- fixed  the link for (the link was wrong)
>This version:
>It is now ready for publication at
>When the dtd is published at OASIS.
>Looking forward to hear you at next telecon on thursday,
>  Henderson wrote:
>>At 11:09 AM 3/17/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>Thanks for your input on OASIS publication process.
>>We have it sorted out now.  But we won't be able to populate the 
>>directory that will contain the new DTD file until the 04 April TC 
>>telecon, at which there will be a process-required vote.
>>We will then be able to update the W3C errata file and publish it.
>>>  Henderson wrote:
>>>>There is a delay on the OASIS end, while some conventions for file 
>>>>names and locations are sorted out.  I will be away and out of contact 
>>>>through 3/25.  I hope it will be sorted out by then and we can move 
>>>>forward again.
>>>>At 09:19 AM 3/9/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>>>Excellent. This does fulfill my requests discussed during the telecon.
>>>>>Let me know when OASIS is ready for errata publication, and I will 
>>>>>publish this errata at
>>>>>PS: there is a small bug with the "Copyright © 2007 W3C® "
>>>>>It is an encoding issue, but I will fix it when we publish on Final 
>>>>>URI on W3C server.
>>>>>  Henderson wrote:
>>>>>>WebCGM WG --
>>>>>>The revisions specified in today's telecon are all incorporated [1]:
>>>>>>Thierry -- I'm unsure why there is junk in the copyright line.
>>>>>>Perhaps it's not actually UTF-8, but rather ISO 8859-1?

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 02:29:16 UTC