Re: revised DTD errata file


There is a delay on the OASIS end, while some conventions for file names 
and locations are sorted out.  I will be away and out of contact through 
3/25.  I hope it will be sorted out by then and we can move forward again.


At 09:19 AM 3/9/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:

>Excellent. This does fulfill my requests discussed during the telecon.
>Let me know when OASIS is ready for errata publication, and I will publish 
>this errata at
>PS: there is a small bug with the "Copyright © 2007 W3C® "
>It is an encoding issue, but I will fix it when we publish on Final URI on 
>W3C server.
>  Henderson wrote:
>>WebCGM WG --
>>The revisions specified in today's telecon are all incorporated [1]:
>>Thierry -- I'm unsure why there is junk in the copyright line.  Perhaps 
>>it's not actually UTF-8, but rather ISO 8859-1?

Received on Friday, 16 March 2007 22:39:58 UTC