DTD file not yet posted

In the agenda [1], there is a reference to this corrected DTD file [7], in 
OASIS web space:
[7] http://docs.oasis-open.org/webcgm/v2.0/errata/cd01/webcgm20-20070228.dtd

Unfortunately, though submitted to the OASIS web folks, that file has not 
been posted yet (but it will be at that URI when it is posted).  For 
temporary expedient, I have attached a copy to this email.  This is solely 
for our use today in making a conditional approval of the content of the 
DTD erratum.


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webcgm-wg/2007Mar/0000.html

Received on Thursday, 8 March 2007 15:48:56 UTC