Re: update to errata document

Lofton Henderson wrote:
> At 10:00 AM 6/19/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:
>> Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>> Thierry,
>>> Oops, I just noticed that my new version apparently lost the 
>>> corrections to the two links on "WebCGM 2.0 Recommendation", that 
>>> occur in the first section, "About the WebCGM 2.0 Recommendation".
>>> I have fixed it again,
>>> Please have a look, to be sure that we haven't created any other 
>>> "oops" in our simultaneous editing.
>> Just a remark,
>> I am still unclear about the meaning of
>> "Class: Class 2."
> There is already a link to the errata section of the Process Document up 
> above.  Would it help to also place that "...#correction-classes" URI on 
> the text for "Class 2"?
> -Lofton.

OK, I get what you mean now.

class 2:

2. Corrections that do not affect conformance
     Editorial changes or clarifications that do not change the 
technical content of the specification.

To clarify I added a link to "class"
Class 2.</p>

and updated both

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 14:48:48 UTC