Re: update to errata document

Lofton Henderson wrote:
> Hi Thierry,
> Because of circumstances beyond our control, OASIS has only just finally 
> populated its final errata document URIs for the initial WebCGM 2.0 
> erratum.
> Our REC 2.0 errata document is at:
> [0]
> (Hmmm... why "2006"?  Oh well, it is on the cover page of the REC 2.0 -- 
> I see no harm in leaving it as is.)

Because we must use dated URI. And the page was created in 2006.
Anyway the date here only reflect date of creation.
I agree that it is not very smart.

There was a bug in this REC 2.0 errata document:

This document records known errors in the document:

changed to
This document records known errors in the document:

> The only thing that changed on the OASIS side, since March, is that the 
> corrected DTD was moved to its final location, and OASIS's symlink of 
> the WebCGM 2.0 System Identifier (section 4.2.3) was redefined to point 
> at that final location.
> That final location is reference [7] in our W3C errata document, and its 
> correct value is now:
> [7]

> In addition to changing that, I have done some light editing on the 
> errata document, and placed the result at:
> [1] 

I have also changed to the correct WebCGM Rec URI (same fix as above) to
> If you read the section "WG-approved resolution", you'll see the light 
> editing around the corrected URI [7], mostly adjusting status from 
> "proposed" to "approved".  You will also notice (elsewhere) that I 
> changed various dates to "June 2007", "June 11...", etc.  I'm not sure 
> if that was appropriate or not.  You can change them back, if the 
> original March dates should remain (the change was purely editorial ... 
> a new URI for the final DTD location ... I assume we don't need a new WG 
> resolution.)

um not sure why you want to change thoses dates (as this errata was 
already published in March.
Is that because of your updates ?

> Finally, I noted and fixed some oddness in line 9, the Copyright and 
> Trademark symbols.

> Regards,
> -Lofton.

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 15:07:01 UTC