Re: Approuving WebCGM 2.0 Transition to REC

Thierry (et al),

Can you please chair the telecon tomorrow (Thursday).  I will send an 
agenda later today, the one important item of business being to request 
transition to REC.

I should be able to call in for 15 minutes or so, but will most likely not 
have access to internet.

More embedded...

At 04:35 PM 1/17/2007 +0100, Thierry Michel wrote:
>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>If all details of the text is not finished by the end of today, what 
>>would you suggest then:
>>1.)  either postpone the telecon till 1/25?
>I should have the call next monday or tuesday, but I need to send the 
>Transition Request ahead of time (process says one week prior to the call)
>>2.) or, approve what is done, conditional upon the application of any 
>>further needed changes (like the URI of the OS spec, which is still not 
>I guess the URI of the OS spec issue should be OK.
>But we should finalize the last edits.
>Do you want me to do it ?

I will do it today.  I have already done the 'diff', and now know just what 
needs to be done.

>>>Also I need to send an URI of the REC document for the transition 
>>>Request Call [1] (here again a finalized document would be appreciated.
>>I had not realized that a transition telecon with the Director was required.
>It is mandatory for any Transition.
>It should be straight forward.

I am unavailable on Tuesday.  Monday and Thursday (next week) are presently 
fairly open.  Wednesday would be open if it were done early, like 7am MST 
(9am EST).  Ditto for Friday.


Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2007 16:45:12 UTC