Re: SOTD action item on WebCGM 1.0

Oops, one correction...  ignore point #2, I see that Thierry has already 
inserted the proper hyperlinks.


At 10:23 AM 1/8/2007 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:

>At 02:05 PM 1/4/2007 -0800, Cruikshank, David W wrote:
>>Anyway, to handle the status of WebCGM 1.0, I would propose a paragraph
>>added like the following:
>>"WebCGM 1.0 functionality is mostly a subset of WebCGM 2.0
>>functionality, with a few exceptions (e.g., feature deprecation) as
>>described in this WebCGM 2.0 text.  While WebCGM 1.0 remains a valid
>>specification, primarily to support existing data, use of WebCGM 2.0
>>viewers and authoring tools is encouraged."
>I like Dave's paragraph much better than my original draft.  I have a 
>couple of minor suggestions/questions:
>1.)  The first sentence (my original) is awkward.  Tighter:  "With a few 
>exceptions such as feature deprecations, WebCGM 1.0 functionality is a 
>subset of WebCGM 2.0 functionality."
>2.) Should "WebCGM 1.0 Recommendation" hyperlink to
> ?
>3.) The comma after "2001" seems extraneous.
>4.) About "primarily to support existing data":  is it just data, or "data 
>and applications"?  (I don't know ... I haven't thought it through carefully.)
>Thoughts?  (Let's discuss and finalize in email before editing the SoTD.)

Received on Monday, 8 January 2007 17:31:02 UTC